MADSquare provides a new paradigm which is in line with the current mega-trend of
increasing production and consumption of media, and blurring boundaries within platforms.
Our goal is to quickly and easily deliver valuable media to users without classifying media
based on genre, platform, and nationality.

You’ve never created a video? No need to worry!
With SNACKK, anyone can create their own channel
by using our media platform to find online media contents, including YouTube, Vimeo, dailymotion, Youku, and more.

Experience a wide variety of channels

  • Most Popular Channel on SNACKK?
    Check out how the channels move up and down according to real-time ranking.

  • Editor’s Selection Set of awesome videos recommended by the SNACKK Editor.

  • Want to watch the video later? Whenever, wherever, click once to pop the video into your personal storage

LF, 20-4, Dosan-daero 8-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Tel. +82 2 552 9516